Bow Braver's Thesis



Cranked to Eleven




To Its Core




And Git Gud


Just in case and fuck sitemapping.

Braver, the wielder of katana and bow, is one of the many classes you can play in Phantasy Star Online 2. Perceptive, resourceful, swift and opportunistic; a good Braver is a force to be reckoned with, while a great Braver is an epitome of a walking catastrophe - a virtuoso of destruction.

In close range combat, a katana will bring down even the toughest of all. Counters after counters, delivering cuts and slices with visceral speed that rivals other melee classes. In long range combat, a bow is a devastating arsenal only hindered by its user. Gracefully unleashing an endless barrage of photonic projectiles, many ARKS have underestimated the weapon, and have now learned to respect and embrace it.

However, wielding two weapons comes with a massive cost, so most will resort to just one: bow or katana. This guide is the web version of the infamous Google Doc guide named "Bow Braver's Thesis" - fully imported - unveiling and leading you through the bullshit world of "Bow Braver"; one section at a time.

No matter which server you are playing in, the guide should work to a degree. Since it was written specifically for JP server, most names that appear in EN/Global Server will have [purple text, bold or regular, with square bracket] following it, if possible.

As the name "Thesis" suggest, this is an unholy, collossal guide, loathed and praised everywhere. I will “assume” that you have a semblance of knowledge about PSO2 already before looking at the things here. You will be seeing me omitting a lot of basic information/knowledge you could have learned from the in-game tutorials, or even use shortened terms everywhere. Apologize for any convenience that awaits you, and forget about those Legal/Copyright stuff. Not like those fucking rules matter these days.

Looking at the navigation tab, you probably want to hit that X button and switch to different classes. Those who presevere and dedicate to see it through will find most, if not all, answers to Bow Braver. You probably get better at playing it with the amount of resources lying in front of you, but time will tell whether you are still sane or not. Otherwise, just search "pso2 br 弓" on YouTube and stay away from this abomination.

What about the Katana guide? Dreamslayer Ahri has a comprehensive one made already, so check it out just in case you find yourself in a wrong website. Shame on me that I’ve thrown almost everything related to web programming away since a long time ago, aka, being lazy. It may look similar to something you have seen. Also, I may be less active with PSO2 at this point, so whatever I guess?

- Argus (Discord: Argus#6076), A Resident Sleeper Hybrid Braver; 2021

Change Log

3-4th August 2021

  • Due to the release of NGS Braver, this guide is considered complete, and now permanantly abandoned. There will be no updates and no more stealth adjustments. Bow Braver's Thesis should remain as an archive for anyone that wants to look back at how PSO2 Bow Braver works. Not like people gonna realize that this shit exist anyway when other plebs can do the same but better, and it is often called "making videos".
  • I will go back to use "Argus" as usual after the maintenance on 4th August has ended. So much for the pun that, again, no one really cares. Another edit later then KEKW.

6 April 2021

  • Adjusting some texts after testing things and see some JP videos
    • Extra notes for PA Step/Dodge.
    • Fast PA Usage section has been modified a bit. Thanks to one of the Bow Discord resident, I now agree that 150 BPM feels right for most 20-Frames PA. Beyond that is kinda too much due to the technical reasons.
  • Small grammar cleanup, slight formatting, and hyperlink fixes. Other than that, I'm probably too blind to see the errors. Forget CSS, my eyes bleed from looking at these code already.

3-4 April 2021

  • It's done... it's over... I guess? All of the info are ported. All images are linked, and the data stuff are sorted.
  • Fixed several mistakes that I have overlooked for a year or more. Jesus fucking christ, I'm bad at this game.

30 March 2021

  • Most images should be in the proper positions. Gotta link 'em up.
  • Cooked some CSS code for various elements as needed. I should have done this earlier LMAO.
  • Fix some weird text and wrongly placeds information.
  • Add some other stuff from older version of the guides. Glad I didn't delete them all.

28 March 2021

  • All texts have been imported from Google Doc.
  • Most contents in this site have been organized that they should work just fine.
  • Fucking hell, this is so tiresome. Why the hell did I do all of these when people reject cool Bow Braver gameplay and return to Million Storm? I think I'm just triggered.
  • NGS is probably a month or two away. It doesn't matter at this point lmao.

17 March 2021

  • Successfully ported most texts from Google Doc, except the ones that require re-organization.
  • Manage to get the web navigation running via local server shenanigan somehow...
  • Still can't believe I'm doing this after sleeping on it for a year. Fuck me.

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