Bow Braver's Thesis



Cranked to Eleven




To Its Core




And Git Gud

Quick Summary

So you can close it even faster...

1) What’s Bow Braver?

Answer: A Braver that primarily uses bow to deal burst damage, preferably from medium range. Excel against bosses; somewhat struggle against multiple enemies. Demands game knowledge, commitment, and has quite a considerably high skill ceiling.

2) Why split the weapons/guides? Isn’t it the same class?

Answer: Bow and Katana approach to combat, mechanics, setup for equipment, and stat scaling are completely different. The Katana Guide precedes the Bow Guide. Also, you will do fine being proficient with one weapon. Learning both means using considerable resources and dedication, and you are better off spending them on a single weapon.

3) How do I play this class at the basic level?

  • Bow Braver revolves around Banishing Arrow; placing a marker on an enemy and detonates it a moment later after any damage done. Dubbed as Banish Combo, you choose which Photon Arts to use, so it fits in the 3-seconds timer.
  • Bow Braver shines the most during its signature skill called Rapid Shoot, massively increasing the damage output and improving PP recovery to offset the PP-thirsty Banish Combo.
  • Bow Braver has a myriad of PAs to deal with multiple enemies, but the charging mechanic and its awkwardness make it less effective. Penetrate Arrow, Master Shot, Torrential Arrow, Final Nemesis, Sharp Bomb T0, and Chase Arrow, are the most commonly used ones among all bow PAs.
  • Bow Braver has access to one of the most devastating, all-purpose Complex Photon Arts in the game: Cerulean Ballista.
  • Bow Braver can also use Katana, but often as a utility weapon.

4) What are the things that you should try to do or have while playing Bow Braver?

Answer: You need commitment to constant improvement, and willing to adjust your tactics based on your PP. Also, switch your weapon palette mode to 3-buttons, take your time leveling all base classes to 75 for class bonuses, try to get at least 200 PP for easier time to adjust, and have patience to learn. You are not the first and the last person I know who tries to play bow and throws it away a couple days later… even with CPA exists.

5) What subclass should I use?

Answer: In the EP6 era, Etoile is often the “go-to” subclass for Bow Braver. Besides, Phantom and Luster also works. Hunter subclass remains relevant due to its defensive skills. Ranger and Summoner sub may seem outdated by today, but they remain viable for some. Regardless, the explanation for all combinations can be found in Subclass section.

6) Skill Tree pls!?

Answer: Further reasonings can be found in the guide. They are all in level 100/100 format, and you can always adjust it as needed.

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(5 Br points, 5 Ra points left)

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BrPh; both Servers
(10 Br points, 67 Ph points left)

BrEt; both Servers
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BrLu; both Servers
(9 Br points, 26 Lu points Left)

7) What are the best gears/equipment I can use “right now”?


  • There are TWO options that you can choose. Pick your preferred SSAs and slap on damage-increase or PP Efficiency affixes you want.
    • Lightweaver Cras Archer for SSA slots and its gimmick.
    • Fluxio/Rinzer Rulutea for its cool buff or CPA fodder.
  • Cras Units at +10 with SSAs, affixed with high R-ATK and PP abilities, along with some HP, PP and DEF.
  • Genon Ain w/ S2 and S3: Cursed Radiance as an extra PP bank.
  • Any katana of your choice, such as Liberate Katana, Petra Stil, Lightweaver Cras Saber, and even Fluxio/Rinzer Maj.
  • 250+ PP. Level 200 DEX MAG.
  • Use L/Braver Power and R/C. Strike for rings. L/Jumping Dodge and the other two that you preferred is socketed to your units; all +20.
  • Any additional, off/all-class weapon that you want to abuse.
  • Cool looking fashion. Why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Check the campaign events on your server! They often come with quests that give free gears that could have taken ages to get.
  • Go buy some good 12* units from player stores. Some examples are Mask of Vain, Lightstream series, and 12* Austere series. Put on simple affixes and work on farming the 13* units.
  • You have several options for getting a good starting weapon.
    • OwO what are those? Atlas Ex and Lightstream [Trailblaze] weapons? Keep using it. You may need to switch to Liberate and Stil weapons sooner or later.
    • Buy Dim Bow or Nike Arcus with nice abilities from Visiphone and put on some SSAs.
    • EN Server players can also get Millionaire/Croesus Rilate from 15* Collection File.
  • Grab Gaels Mirage as a utility weapon, if you can afford it.
  • Go make L/Bullet Bow Homing, R/ C. Strike Shoot, L/Jumping Dodge, and L/Atomizer Lover, getting them up to +20. You equip the first two and slot the rest to your units. The last one is up to you.
  • Dex MAG is preferred due to Braver MAG and being easier to raise. Otherwise, use R-ATK MAG for class flexibility.
  • Hard to play because of PP? Take Photon Drink w/ PA Damage. Already feel comfortable? Take Shifta Drink w/ PP Cost Reduction.

8) Anything else I need to know?

  • 1) When it comes to “stacking PP”, one can interpret it in two ways: maximum PP or PP Efficiency (Reduction, Active, and Natural). Having a good amount of it is ok, but getting way too much and becomes quite a diminishing return or not worth your investment. Check the Off-topic section.
  • 2) Practice, practice, practice, practice, and practice. Watch videos from the pros, try it yourself, learn from your mistakes, keep calm and keep firing! It’s easy to get disheartened.
  • 3) Continue reading the guide for more insights on everything about Bow Braver. Otherwise, close it and play something else.

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